IV Infusions
Benefits of IV Infusions
In today’s modern and fast paced world, it is becoming far more difficult to receive the required amount of nutrients through food sources. During its processing, food is often stripped of its nutritional value leaving us full but undernourished. In addition, it is a fact that we only absorb approximately 30% of the oral doses of supplemental vitamins and micronutrients. By utilizing the intravenous route of administration, our cells are able to absorb 100% of the micronutrients given.
It is time to expand our view of the health of our bodies to a deeper level. Cells have a lifespan far shorter than our bodies as a whole. If our cells are not given what they need before they reproduce, then they will reproduce more unhealthy cells over and over again before they die. This is the true beginning of disease and chronic health conditions. Poor cellular health today can lead to long term issues in the future. Micro-nutrient supplementation keeps your cells functioning at their peak, resulting in reversing the symptoms of aging.
Vitality and longevity can best be achieved by cellular targeted health services throughout the lifetime. Utilizing nutrients found naturally in the human body, our IV infusions help restore, replenish, and enhance all body processes. From athletes, business professionals, and parents, all of us consistently need ways to achieve and maintain our peak performance.

Meet Mallory a Registered Nurse of 14 years and owner of Michigan Immune Defense. She has an extensive background in the field of medicine and her goal is to provide all people the chance to not only survive but thrive in life.
To read more about Mallory click here.
To book an appoint scan the QR code.

You can also book an appointment by contacting Mallory at 248-313-4455 or e-mailing Michigan Immune Defense at info@michiganimmunedefense.com or scanning the QR Code above.
The M.I.D. Infusion
The all-encompassing infusion. The M.I.D. Infusion is designed to increase vitality on a day-to-day basis and support your long-term health. Every nutrient that is offered by Michigan Immune Defense is found within this infusion, therefore it is the ultimate maintenance infusion. The M.I.D. boosts the immune system, increases energy, detoxes the body through elimination of free radicals, improves cognitive function and neuro connectivity, lowers the risk of cardiovascular disease, and promotes internal anti-aging by reduction of disease risk factors and promotion of cellular health. Included in this infusion is NAD+, the main nutrient needed for healthy mitochondria. This organelle is found inside of every cell of our body and is responsible for producing energy. Our natural reserves of NAD+ start to decrease around the age of 40. If mitochondria dysfunction is a main cause of energy and health issues as we age, then supplementation of this essential micronutrient will therefore decrease the signs and symptoms of aging. Cellular health is the main intervention for disease prevention, and a longer life without disease is the ultimate goal for anti-aging.
Recommendations: This is the best option for monthly maintenance. We recommend this to all clients who are looking for the benefits of IV infusions throughout their lifespan.
For clients specifically looking to improve cognition and brain function, it is recommended that this infusion is done every two weeks for two months, before monthly maintenance infusions.
Immune Boost Infusion
The purpose of this infusion is to boost the immune system on all fronts. Vitamin C is the ultimate nutrient needed in times of stress. Illness and acute infections are characterized by states of free radical overload (reactive oxidative species). In other words, our body is thrust into an oxidative state post infection. Vitamin C’s antioxidant properties help to protect the body from free radicals while also increasing the production of white blood cells (the body’s natural immune defense cells). B vitamins used together have a strong antioxidant effect to aid the immune system and help to provide energy by increasing metabolism. Magnesium helps to activate Vitamin D and is the second most prevalent nutrient inside our cells. Zinc is essential to the immune system as it helps white blood cells function more effectively, decreases viruses and bacteria’s ability to survive, reduces inflammation, and is not stored in the body so it needs to be regularly replenished. Glutamine is an amino acid that is essential for gut health and repair. During illness, our GI tract is often compromised, and Glutamine supplementation is essential. Finally, the infusion is finished with a push of the most potent antioxidant of all, Glutathione.
Recommendations: We recommend the Immune boost infusion anytime you are feeling run down or dealing with increased physical or psychological stress. It is best to boost the immune system before it is under complete attack from stress or illness. It is also a very good idea to get an infusion if knowingly exposed to someone with an active illness. We recommend at time of exposure and then weekly if high risk is present. Monthly maintenance is then encouraged to keep your immune system functioning optimally.
The Athletic Performance Infusion
Exercise is wonderful for our health but can also be taxing on our bodies. Excessive exercise can create free radical surges and depletion of micronutrients. The Athletic Performance infusion is created specifically for better recovery, better performance, and increased response to training. Amino acids, which are the building blocks of protein, are the main ingredients in this infusion. Amnio acid supplementation increases blood flow to the muscles, increases collagen and muscle tissue, increases energy and metabolism, and provides increased recovery through tissue repair. Vitamin C, B vitamins and Glutathione decrease free radicals and boost metabolism.
Recommendations: We recommend regular monthly infusions for individuals with athletic goals and priorities. For specific event training it is recommended to receive this infusion weekly for 3 weeks leading up to the date, with the final infusion the day before, or as close as possible.
The Energy Boost Infusion
We can all use more energy to get through our days, without relying on energy drinks and coffee. Energy depletion is often the result of poor diet and metabolism, lack of proper nutrients, and increased stress. Energy can be restored with an IV infusion packed with all the B vitamins working together to increase metabolism and decrease free radical overload. The amino acid, Carnitine, is added because of its role in transporting fatty acids into cells to produce energy. Glutathione is given to decrease inflammation and free radical overload caused by stress.
Recommendations: For a head start to recover your energy, we recommend weekly infusion for 3 weeks. If the desired energy level is achieved, clients can then continue with monthly maintenance infusions.
Chronic fatigue may require 3 extra infusions every other week, prior to starting monthly maintenance infusions. Also, adding a booster of NAD+ to your Energy infusion is important for people with chronic fatigue and/or over the age of 40. NAD+ (nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide) is a derivative of B vitamin 3 and is the main nutrient for our mitochondria. This organelle is found inside of every cell of our body and is responsible for producing energy. Our natural levels of NAD+ decrease as we age, typically around the age of 40.
Cognition Enhancement Infusion
It is important for anyone to achieve an edge when it comes to cognition. We do not have time to experience brain fog in our fast-paced world. Our Cognition Enhancement infusion is designed with micronutrients best suited to clear brain fog and keep you functioning at your peak. Packing this infusion with all the B vitamins, our metabolism and neuro function is increased. Free radicals creating neuro inflammation are susceptible to the powerful effects of Alpha Lipoic Acid, which has been proved to cross into the brain and nervous tissue. Free radicals are further decreased with the addition of Vitamin C and Glutathione. Throw in Carnitine to finish off this powerful infusion recipe, which has been proven to support memory, improve cognition and increase energy.
Recommendations: Enhanced cognition is best achieved through weekly infusions x3, followed by monthly maintenance infusions.
Hair, Skin and Nail Health Infusion
Our skin is the largest organ of our bodies, and therefore has great demand for micronutrients to maintain its health. In addition, the cells of our skin turn over rather quickly, so if there are significant nutrient deficiencies present, these will continue in each subsequent cell that is formed. Micronutrient deficiencies can present as wrinkles, dryness, eczema, brittle nails and hair, as well as hair loss. Frequent replenishment of necessary micronutrients can help to avoid and repair such symptoms, in addition to improving the appearance of the hair, skin, and nails by free radical reduction. Vitamin C supports collagen production to improve the appearance and elasticity of skin. It also aids in free radical reduction along with Glutathione. Biotin (B7) and Dexpanthenol (B5) are essential B vitamins for healthy hair, skin and nails, but work best with the other B vitamins which are also included in this infusion. Finally, low levels of Zinc is well known to be associated with hair loss, and needs to be acquired from external sources as our body does not produce it on its own.
Recommendations: We recommend monthly maintenance infusions for clients who are actively seeking the best treatment for their hair, skin and nail health. Weekly infusions are recommended for 3 weeks prior to monthly maintenance infusions to get a kick start onto the right path.
Skin Healing Infusion
This infusion has all the same ingredients as our Hair, Skin, and Nail Health infusion plus some important additions. Alpha Lipoic Acid is added to decrease inflammation which is often associated with aliments of the skin such as eczema. The amino acid, Glutamine, is also included to support GI health and diminish components of leaky gut, which could play a role in skin health.
Recommendations: We recommend weekly infusions of the Skin Healing infusion for a month (4 weeks), followed by a secondary evaluation to determine the next steps. If success is noted, infusions can then continue on a monthly or bi-monthly basis.
Allergy Relief and Prevention Infusion
Allergies are caused by an abnormal immune response to allergens in our environment. Allergy symptoms occur when the immune response to allergens creates an
inflammation cycle in our bodies that releases free radicals and cytokines. Our Allergy Relief and Prevention infusion is packed with antioxidants like Vitamin C, the B vitamins, Alpha Lipoic Acid, and Glutathione to rid the body of inflammation and free radicals. The amino acid, Glutamine, is also included in this infusion to
maintain a healthy gut lining to prevent “leaky gut” which could allow allergens to gain access to our system.
Recommendations: It is important to be proactive when it comes to allergy season, so we recommend starting these infusions before the allergens are here. Front load with weekly infusion for 3 weeks, and then can continue with infusions monthly or weekly throughout the allergy season, depending on your symptoms.
We also recommend adding Vitamin D IM injections throughout the allergy season, which has been found to be beneficial to the allergy response.
Auto-Immune Disease Support Infusion
Auto-immune diseases are a product of the overactivity of the immune system, where it attacks its own tissues. This results in free radical overload and inflammation. Therefore, our Auto-Immune Disease Support infusion focuses on decreasing these effects. Antioxidants such as Vitamin C, B vitamins, Alpha Lipoic Acid, and Glutathione are the heavy hitters in this infusion. Alpha Lipoic Acid and Glutathione are also very important for decreasing inflammatory states. Magnesium and Zinc are added to improve the faulty immune system. The amino acid, Glutamine, is also included in this infusion to maintain a healthy gut lining to prevent “leaky gut” which could amplify the auto-immune process.
Recommendations: The goal of our Auto-Immune Disease Support infusion is to help to control symptoms and decrease flare-ups, therefore improving quality of life. We recommend a front load of infusions: weekly for 3 weeks, every other week for 2 months, then monthly maintenance infusions.
An extra booster of Alpha Lipoic Acid can be added to the infusion as clients become accustomed to the original dose.
Fibromyalgia – Pain and Energy Support Infusions
Fibromyalgia is a difficult disease to live with, and it can be difficult for clients to find solutions. The predominating characteristic is chronic, diffuse muscle pain which may or may not be associated with chronic fatigue. The goal of our Fibromyalgia infusions is to target and reduce these symptoms. High doses of Magnesium are a great treatment for muscle and pain issues. As the second most prevalent intracellular micronutrient, we constantly need supplementation, in fact, most adults are deficient. Magnesium also has the added benefits of helping to calm our nervous system and boost our mood. These infusions also focus on free radical and inflammation reduction, and if chronic fatigue is a factor – we have you covered for that as well. The power micronutrient, NAD+ is also added to this infusion to help reverse neurodegeneration and improve mitochondria dysfunction.
Recommendations: The goal of our Fibromyalgia – Pain and Energy Support infusions is to help to control symptoms and decrease flare-ups, therefore improving quality of life. We recommend a front load of infusions: weekly for 3 weeks, then to gradually extend the intervals in between infusions based on symptoms, eventually progressing to monthly maintenance infusions.
GI Health and Healing Infusion
Most Americans suffer from the GI issue now referred to as “leaky gut,” characterized by micronutrient deficiency related to our poor diets and nutrient deficient foods. Therefore, most people could benefit from our GI Health and Healing infusion – but most importantly those suffering from chronic conditions such as Chron’s disease, Ulcerative Colitis, and irritable bowel syndrome. This infusion focuses on replacing micronutrients that our foods are missing, or that our leaky guts cannot absorb. The amino acid, Glutamine, is the heavy hitter for gut health in this infusion, and we add other amino acids as well to help in tissue and protein repair. In addition, we provide inflammation and free radical reduction to heal our overworked and underserved guts. The goal of this infusion is to prevent and reverse the chronic and relapsing conditions, but also the side effects that often accompany gut issues such as decreased energy levels, depressed mood, and nerve
Recommendations: This infusion is fantastic for everyone to maintain healthy GI systems and micronutrient stores. For those with chronic GI issues, we recommend weekly infusions x2, followed by infusions every other week for two months. The goal is to resolve symptoms and prevent relapse so that eventually infusions can be monthly maintenance.
Mental Health Support Infusions
Mental health conditions are multi-factorial and require a holistic approach that addresses all areas of concern. IV infusion support is just one of the supportive measures that can help along the journey. Micronutrient deficiencies can make an individual’s brain more susceptible to stress, anxiety and depression. Stress can lead to immune system compromise and increase the risk of poor health. Our infusion provides immune system support, micronutrient super doses, and energy boosts to help with depressed moods and symptoms of mental health. NAD+ is also the main ingredient of this infusion. NAD+ is the main nutrient for mitochondria support – the main energy producer of every cell in the body. The brain consumes 20% of the total body’s energy on its own! Therefore, mitochondria dysfunction can greatly affect the brain’s ability to function and could thereby lead to cycles of mental health symptoms that would be difficult to overcome without replenishing this micronutrient.
Recommendations: The best approach to micronutrient replacement through IV therapy in lieu of mental health conditions, is to super dose the body with frequent infusions and gradually extend the intervals. We recommend weekly infusion for 3 weeks, followed by every other week infusion for 2 months. After evaluating the effect, if possible, infusions can then be extended out to monthly maintenance doses.
It is also a strong recommendation to add NAD+ super dose infusions to the IV therapy regimen. Super doses of 250-500mg are given separately from any other infusion.
Post-Viral Syndrome Infusion
Coming out of the COVID-19 pandemic, the term “long haul COVID” is now commonplace in every household. This term can also be referred to as post-viral syndrome and is not new. Humans have experienced post viral syndromes for all of history and have been diagnosed after infections such as Epstein-Barr, Lyme Disease, and even the flu. Predominating symptoms are all very similar: brain fog, chronic fatigue, joint pain, and immune dysfunction. Currently, the theory behind this syndrome is a chronic inflammatory state created by the excess of free radicals that were never controlled after the initial infection. In addition, potential causes have been related to mitochondrial degradation, creating a depletion of energy. Our Post-Viral Syndrome infusion therefore focuses on inflammation and free radical reduction, in addition to immune support and micronutrient super doses. Alpha Lipoic Acid crosses the blood brain barrier and can greatly influence inflammation in brain tissues helping to reduce brain fog. NAD+ is added to increase mitochondrial reserves and help to increase energy levels.
Recommendations: Post-Viral recovery is often a long process, but considerable improvements should be noted. We recommend weekly infusions for 3 weeks, followed by every other week for 2 months based on the client’s response and symptoms. Once recovery is determined, we recommend monthly infusions for at least 4 months, and then as needed.
Surgery Pre-Op and Post-Op Infusions
No surgery is considered a minor surgery due to the inherent risks associated with the process. Surgery always produces great stress to the body, depleting our micronutrient stores, compromising nutrient uptake with anesthesia and antibiotics, and exposing you to foreign bacteria in the hospitals that are unfamiliar to your body. Vitamin C is extremely important to replenish because it is used up quickly in times of stress. It also is a precursor to collagen which will be needed to help the body heal. The amino acid, Glutamine, will help to repair the disrupted gut, and super doses of several other amino acids will help to build protein and repair tissue. Magnesium can help to reduce postoperative pain and boost the immune system along with Zinc. Fluids provided by the IV infusions will help to flush the body of surgical drugs, support kidney function and restore energy.
Recommendations: Surgery is a major event and should be treated as such. Give your body the tools it needs to recover and repair, instead of allowing the stress of surgery to cause other complications. We recommend a Pre-Op infusion at some point the week before surgery to boost your immune system and prepare the body to handle increased stress. Schedule your Post-Op infusion as close as you can after your surgical date. Depending on the severity of the surgical procedure, infusions can continue 1-2x per week until recovery is achieved.
Active Illness Infusion
The cells that make up our immune system are powered by micronutrients. It therefore makes sense that when struck by illness, our bodies would fight off infections and recover quicker if our immune system cells were given the nutrients they need. Most mammals, apart from humans, produce their own Vitamin C. Studies have shown that in times of stress, (i.e., illness), the levels of Vitamin C produced by these mammals are increased significantly – proving the need for
high doses of Vitamin C. Humans must supplement Vitamin C because we do not produce our own. When suffering from acute illness or active infection it is most beneficial to treat with high doses exceeding 7500mg. This dose of Vitamin C actually produces Hydrogen Peroxide in the body, which is toxic to bacteria, viruses, and even cancer cells! It is impossible to achieve these levels through oral ingestion. The blood levels with oral ingestion have not been found to exceed 2000mg, and many people develop GI upset (diarrhea) from too much oral Vitamin C. Therefore, the IV route of administration is critical for treating acute ailments. Magnesium and Zinc are also important to immune system function and are given at therapeutic doses in this infusion. Zinc has been shown to block viruses from entering cells.
Recommendations: We recommend booking an infusion at the beginning of symptoms of illness or infection. The immune system is best supported by an additional infusion on day 2, and day 4 if needed.
Pain Relief Infusion
Our Pain Relief infusion is a rescue infusion for those suffering from symptoms of migraines, PMS discomfort, or frequent muscle spasms or pain. The main ingredient of this infusion is a super dose of Magnesium. Magnesium is the second most prevalent intracellular micronutrient and is used in over 600 functions in our bodies. Low levels of Magnesium have been considered a risk factor for migraines and muscle issues. Oral uptake of Magnesium is often poor and can cause GI upset (diarrhea) making it undesirable for many people. Intravenous administration of Magnesium bypasses the gut allowing for complete absorption and eliminates the potential for GI upset. This infusion also provides immune support and an energy boost from B vitamins and Vitamin C.
Recommendations: Migraines can be debilitating, but many have found great relief with Magnesium supplementation. We follow a proven protocol for migraines, which involves 2 infusions the week of onset followed by weekly infusions for 2 weeks. Monthly infusions should be utilized for maintenance and prevention. Infusions before or during menstrual cycles for women can greatly reduce PMS cramps and discomfort.
This infusion can be accompanied by an intravenous dose of Toradol, a potent anti-inflammatory similar to, but more powerful than Ibuprofen. Zofran can also be given if nausea is present.
Rehydration Infusion
Commonly referred to as the “hangover cure,” we recognize the need for extra hydration and micronutrient administration before or after a night of over-indulging. However, our Rehydration infusion is beneficial to several other conditions as well. This infusion is great for people who practice fasting, and for those suffering from Gout or POTS (postural orthostatic tachycardic syndrome). Hydration with a full liter of fluid is the main intervention, along with replenishment of micronutrients and antioxidant effects.
Recommendations: We have proven protocols to intervene with for those with acute Gout or POTS flare up. Infusions during a prolonged fast can help keep the body hydrated, energized, and supply necessary micronutrients.
For hangover prevention, infusion the day before may be beneficial. Day after infusions will help flush the body of the ingested toxins.
This infusion can be accompanied by an intravenous dose of Toradol, a potent anti-inflammatory similar to, but more powerful than Ibuprofen. Zofran can also be given if nausea is present.
A booster of NAD+ can be added to increase energy and provide mitochondrial support.
NAD+ Infusions
NAD+, or Nicotinamide Adenine Dinucleotide, is a derivative of B vitamin 3, Niacin. NAD+ is the main nutrient needed for healthy mitochondria. This organelle is found inside of every cell of our body and is responsible for producing energy. The brain consumes 20% of the total body’s energy on its own. NAD+ also has neuroregenerative properties and has been associated with better cognition, brain health, and prevention of cognitive decline. Our natural levels of NAD+ decrease as we age, typically around the age of 40. Therefore, NAD+ is one of the main nutrients associated with anti-aging. If mitochondria dysfunction is a main cause of energy and health issues as we age, then supplementation of this essential micronutrient will therefore decrease the signs and symptoms of aging. Cellular health is the main intervention for disease prevention, and a longer life without disease is the ultimate goal for anti-aging. NAD+ can be added to other infusions, however doses should not exceed 50mg in this case. Super doses of NAD+ are done with separate infusions with doses of 250-500mg.
Recommendations: NAD+ supplementation has many benefits. As our natural supplies decrease around the age of 40, it makes obvious sense that regular infusions are done for this age group. Keep in mind that certain chronic conditions (Diabetes, Post-Viral Syndrome etc.) can decrease levels of NAD+ and therefore supplementation is not only recommended for the above 40 age group. NAD+ can be done as frequently as daily or weekly if conditions require it (this is common when used for support for clients seeking relief from addiction in addition to their other treatment therapies). However, NAD+ is great as a quarterly maintenance infusion for those looking for significant benefit with a balance of time and cost.
The benefits of IM injections
Injectables are a great way to achieve a maintenance wellness and performance schedule. Helpful when you need a quick boost, and essential to keep you on track to optimum health. Injectables can be given separately or along with an IV infusion. Like IV infusions, IM injections bypass the digestive tract and therefore absorption of the given micronutrient is much higher. Added benefits of IM injections is appointments take less than 20 minutes and can provide great benefit in between infusion appointments.
Vitamin B12 IM injection
Vitamin B12 deficiencies are very common in today’s modern world of nutrient deficient foods. Further deficiency is noted due to its difficulties being absorbed by the gut with oral supplementation. Therefore, the best and most effective B12 supplementation is via intravenous or intramuscular routes. These routes bypass the digestive system and B12 is directly absorbed and able to be utilized. B12 intramuscular injections can be given weekly and have a great effect on overall energy levels. It is critical to metabolism, the production of red blood cells, and the maintenance of our nervous system.
Recommendations: Weekly B12 intramuscular injections are often essential for those with chronic B12 deficiencies. However, even those with relatively normal blood levels of B12 can benefit and feel its energizing effects. Blood levels do not necessarily indicate the true levels of nutrients within our cells. B12 is given in almost all of our IV infusions! B12 IM injectables are great to supplement in between infusion appointments.
Biotin IM injections
Vitamin B7, or Biotin, is a very popular B vitamin due to its support of healthy muscles, nerves, hair, skin and nails. In addition, it plays a vital role in metabolism, glucose regulation, and normal cell growth. Regular supplementation of Biotin is excellent for those needing extra care for their hair, skin and nails, and weekly intramuscular injections are great supplements in between IV infusions. (Biotin works best when combined with other B vitamins, especially B5, and Vitamin C, Zinc and Glutathione for hair, skin and nails, and therefore IV infusions will ultimately be the best.)
Recommendations: Weekly Biotin intramuscular injections are acceptable and recommended when having issues with hair, skin or nails.
*Note: Biotin supplementation can affect thyroid lab levels. Anyone scheduled to have blood work for their thyroid should avoid Biotin supplementation the week before lab work is drawn.
Mega-Immune Boost IM Injection
This injection is a combination injection that includes Vitamin C, Zinc, and Glutathione. This is an excellent option for a quick immune boost when feeling run down or after exposure to a sick contact. Our clients who receive this injection rave about its effectiveness at preventing illness and supporting their immune system.
Recommendations: This injection is perfect for immune system maintenance and can be given every 4 days if needed. Highly recommended when exposed to a sick contact, and when time does not allow for an IV infusion.
Vitamin D IM Injection
Vitamin D is essential to our health as it plays critical roles in the immune system, mood regulation, bone strength, heart health, improved sleep, and inflammation regulation. Vitamin D deficiencies are very common, especially in the great state of Michigan where sunlight exposure is limited during the winter season. Vitamin D is a fat-soluble vitamin which means it can be stored in the body, and therefore should not be given via intravenous route without lab work to avoid the (rare) chance of toxicity. IV Vitamin D should also never be given with any other ingredient. Therefore, the intramuscular route of administration is preferred, as it is very safe and an effective way to increase levels of Vitamin D.
Recommendations: Vitamin D intramuscular injections can be given as often as every week (but this is best done with lab workup). Monthly injections are very safe and an excellent means of maintaining healthy levels of Vitamin D. More frequent injections can be given during the winter months. Vitamin D injections are also great add-ons to the Immune Boost, Allergy, Mental Health, and Active Illness infusions.
To book your appointment by contacting Mallory at 248-313-4455 or e-mailing Michigan Immune Defense at info@michiganimmunedefense.com TODAY!
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