Advanced Intolerance Elimination Technique (AIET) – Allergy Clearing

A truly revolutionary system for dealing with allergies. It is a natural, drugless, painless, non-invasive method for infants to seniors to eliminate/reduce allergies and symptoms arising from previous exposure to allergens and their allergic manifestations.

Before we get into the details of Advanced Intolerance Elimination Technique (AIET) we feel it is important to understand its connection to Vertebral Subluxation Complex (VSC).

As Chiropractors, everything we do revolves around VSC and the reduction thereof.

Chiropractic and Vertebral Subluxation Complex

The spinal column is very important because it protects the nervous system, which runs the whole body. When the individual vertebra/bones are misaligned/lose normal motion, this then causes pressure/inflammation on the nerves and soft tissue.

This also alters the function of the muscles/organs/tissues that the nerves run to, which creates symptoms such as low back pain, neck pain, mid back pain, extremity pain, headaches, dizziness, pain or numbness along the nerve pathways, stomach issues, and other organ dysfunction.

VSC has to do with five components:

  1. The movement of the spinal bones gets inhibited for fixated causing pain, wear and tear, change in normal curves of the spine, etc.
  2. The nerves can become stretched, irritated, and inflamed due to abnormal movement and degeneration of the discs and joints of the individual vertebrae.
  3. The muscles change in response to the above by shortening or becoming hypermobile or sloppy in tone. This creates fibrous tissue/scar tissue, which affects motion and creates pain, reduced range of motion, and chronic inflammation.
  4. Discs (pads between the vertebrae), ligaments, cartilage, and other tissue can atrophy, degenerate, bulge (discs), micro-tear, etc.
  5. The body responds to all this imbalance by depositing calcium, causing spurs, narrowing of joint cartilage, etc., which reduces the overall motion of the vertebrae and body.

This loss of normal function is called Vertebral Subluxation Complex (VSC). Nutritional deficiencies associated with muscles, organs and other tissues can contribute to or cause VSC. Your nutritional program is designed to support your overall health and assist in the reduction or elimination of the VSC.

Additionally, allergies of any type to food, chemicals, environment, etc., will also contribute or cause VSC, so, therefore, Advanced Intolerance Elimination Technique is recommended in some cases.

So let’s now get into understanding AIET.

What is AIET (Advanced Intolerance Elimination Technique)?

Advanced Intolerance Elimination Technique is a treatment system for reducing or eliminating sensitivities/intolerances, which is one of the most stubborn health problems many people face today. It is based on the principles of acupuncture and the electromagnetic properties of all matter. AIET leads to the reduction or elimination of triggers responsible for people’s variety of unwanted symptoms. One of the greatest benefits is it provides individuals with a medication-free treatment option.

Frequently asked questions for AIET

  • What is Advanced Intolerance Elimination Technique?
  • How do I know if Advanced Intolerance Elimination Technique will help me?
  • What is an intolerance/sensitivity?
  • How does Advanced Intolerance Elimination Technique work?

How do I know if Advanced Intolerance
Elimination Technique will help me?

  • Do you routinely have problems with food or environmental sensitivities?
  • Have you tried other types of conventional or alternative healthcare with little success?
  • Do you keep getting better and then worse again?
  • Do you have a specific condition you are addressing that won’t respond to treatment?

If you answered yes to any of the above, you might have hidden sensitivities/intolerances that are preventing you from being healthy.

What are Allergies and intolerances?

An allergy is an abnormal physical reaction to substances known as allergens. These substances can either be toxins such as automobile exhaust fumes, pesticides, and chemicals; they could also be non-toxins, such as pollens and foods.

When exposed to the allergens, you develop an excess of an antibody called Immunoglobulin E (IgE). These antibodies react with allergens to release histamines from cell tissues, producing various allergic symptoms.

However, millions of people experience allergic symptoms without an antibody reaction. These people can be said to have an intolerance or sensitivity, which we call a “trigger”, to certain substances.

Your body encounters an ordinarily harmless and sometimes even helpful substance, an allergen or trigger, and your immune system mistakenly identifies them as harmful.

Examples of these triggers include pollen, pet hair, molds, foods, dust, even vitamins and protein. Your immune system then overreacts to these substances by attacking them as if they were a foreign invader. As a result, you experience allergenic symptoms such as runny/stuffy nose, watery eyes, itching, and rashes. Symptoms you may not have even correlated were the result of allergies/intolerances. Symptoms such as fatigue, digestive trouble, gas, bloating, headaches, joint pains, etc. are often caused by allergies/intolerances. Many common health conditions are also merely a sign of underlying conditions.

Do you use needles like conventional Allergy Testing?

AIET is a natural, drugless, painless, and non-invasive method that can be used by anyone, from infants to seniors, to reduce or eliminate allergies/intolerances and symptoms that arise from the exposure. We do this in two stages. First, with a series of tapping that helps align the allergen/trigger with the structural, chemical, and brain frequencies of the body. Second, by stimulating the gate points (acupuncture points) in the body with light lasers. The lasers activate the body’s nervous system and allow it to accept the electromagnetic properties of the allergen/trigger introduced. The result is the “re-educating” of no longer viewing the allergen/trigger as a harmful substance.

How does it work?

A series of AIET treatments ‘re-educate’ the body so that it stops reacting defensively to allergens/triggers and accepts them as safe substances. Depending on the individual’s tolerance, one or more items can begin being cleared on a given day. The length of treatment also depends on an individual’s tolerance, level of sensitivity or reaction, and the consistency of follow up treatments. The initial treatment is followed up (within a desirable timeframe of one week) to assess the body’s acceptance of the treatment. If needed, additional half treatments are continued until the body has fully accepted the clearing/desensitization. Highly sensitive individuals may require a series of combination clearings to address all concerning allergens.

Additional Benefits of AIET

The treatments assist the bodies acceptability to everything it encounters, internal and external. When the body is not in a heightened state of stress, reaction, and inflammation it can adapt more easily and willingly. If on a nutrition program it can help the body absorb/accept the supplements and diet choices more effectively which often accelerate one’s healing process. Necessary medications that sometimes cause adverse reactions throughout the body can be assisted with treatments. Environmental stress can be reduced. Overall, AIET treatments help bring the body to a more balanced state allowing productive adaptability in multiple areas.

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