This is an expose’ of the Blue Cross Incentive Programs to educate and inform the public why there is a coordinated effort to push the shot, and still is.

These so called incentive programs are not just limited to Blue Cross as other insurance companies likely have their own incentive programs to compensate (pay off) doctors and nurses as well. We just haven’t included them in this data as it is specifically about BCBS.

We are sharing this data to help better educate our patients and others who think that vaccinations are being done for health reasons alone. It is factual information that shows doctors are being paid to push the jabs, all of them, starting with the infants and children.

So lets take a look at some of the facts……..

Have you noticed that your doctor or your children’s doctor have been pushy and slightly aggressive in regards to you and your children getting vaccinated?

Well this would be why, Blue Cross Blue Shield pays your doctor a $40,000 bonus for fully vaccinating 100 patients under the age of 2. Yes you read that correct but it gets worse. If your doctor manages to fully vaccinate 200 patients, it jumps to $80,000. But here’s the catch: under BCBS’s rules, pediatricians LOSE THE WHOLE BONUS unless at least 63% of patients are fully vaccinate. This includes the flu vaccine. That’s a minimum of 28 but possibly as high as 38 vaccinations by the time your child turns 2 years of age. So, it’s not just $400.00 on your childs head-it could be the whole bonus. (Credit: @shadyavefarm)

Those aggressive well-baby visits make a little more sense now don’t they? The absolutes; this is why they “fire” you from their practice, it messes up their numbers if you decline! This is with zero informed consent by the way.

The data that the CDC doesn’t want you to see is the research that shows a fivefold INCREASE in autism rates among vaccinated versus unvaccinated children. This finding was published by Brian S. Hooker and Neil Z. Miller in 2021. “The Control Group” study found something even more shocking. The rate of autism was ten times HIGHER in the vaccinated compared to the unvaccinated.

They polled about 1800 unvaccinated children across the nation. Forty-six different states were represented. And when they did that, the rate of autism, the national average of autism, presumably for vaccinated children, was ten times higher than that of unvaccinated children”. These are some alarming figures and honestly one that most parents or parents to be should be informed on.

Think about it, those that are currently in their late 50’s averaged 2 vaccines to be fully vaccinated! Then we have those who are now in their 40’s show it increased to 7 vaccines to be fully vaccinated. Next those who are in their late 20’s to mid 30’s showing it doubling to 14 vaccines. But here comes the ALARMING jump, children today will receive a minimum of 69 vaccines to be the recommended “fully vaccinated” by the age of 18. Please ask yourself what has changed in the last 35/40 years. Not much of anything that would require such a magnitude of vaccinations. Actually the opposite has been proven. The kids with chronic health conditions has went from 12.8% in 1986 to 54% in 2007. The only real thing that has changed is how many vaccinations children are receiving today.

Parents shouldn’t blame themselves as they are trying to do what’s right for their children or what they have been TOLD is right. But this is exactly the reason we are sharing this data. The better a parent is informed the better the resulting decision. Parents can also visit for more information.