Why PEMF services?
Because it makes sense. Here at our clinic, our main goal is to get the patient well and pain-free. We pride ourselves in bringing the latest technology to do just that, whether with a new supplement or the addition of advanced technologies such as the PEMF machine, Spinal Decompression, or Laser therapy.
Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Field Therapy perfectly complements chiropractic care and we’re proud to offer this therapy to our clients!

Why PEMF is the perfect complement to chiropractic?
PEMF is the perfect companion to chiropractic care due to its effect on cellular function.
PEMF therapy has helped:
- Bulging spinal discs
- Joint pain (shoulders, wrists, fingers, hips, knees, ankles, feet, etc.
- Back and neck pain
- Numbness in hand or feet
- Multiple sclerosis
Chiropractic adjustments restore the nerve impulse to cells, tissues and organs. PEMF strengthens and restores function to those same cells that were denied proper nerve energy due to the vertebral subluxation complex or other forms of interference. Merging chiropractic and PEMF creates a perfect synergy— the two together work better at restoring and healing the body.
What is PEMF?
Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Field technology is a soothing and restorative modality that stimulates and exercises the cells to address cellular dysfunction and support overall wellness.
The science behind PEMF is a well-studied methodology that’s been around for over a hundred years. What makes this therapy so powerful are two things: the strength of the magnetic field generated by the machine and the pulsating of the field around the part of the body that is not functioning properly.
Pulse Centers have bridged the gap between early pioneering discoveries and modern technology to create a natural, noninvasive complement to overall greater wellness.
How does it work?
Imagine your cells as batteries — daily stressors slowly drain them of the energy they need to function optimally. By the end of the day, your body, mind, and soul may feel completely depleted. That’s where PEMF technology comes in! PEMF generates energy at the cellular level without medically invasive procedures. It introduces an electromagnetic charge to the cells, stimulating and exercising them. The cells use the supplemental energy from PEMF to better perform their many jobs. This amplification of natural energy encourages the body to function more effectively for overall wellness.
Pulse PEMF differs from other electromagnetic devices in its low-to-high intensity capability, which allows for session customization for optimum results.
PEMF capitalizes on the intelligence and holistic nature of the body. Rather than treating or addressing the injuries or illnesses, PEMF provides a raw material (electromagnetic energy!) crucial to the body’s ability to heal and regulate itself.
It’s because of LIGHTNING that the earth is able to sustain life.
It’s because of ELECTRICAL CHARGES that the body is able to heal itself.
What are the benefits?
Click the Video Above
Because of this cellular exercise, cellular metabolism is boosted, blood cells are regenerated, circulation is improved, and oxygen-carrying capacity is increased.
The PEMF machine is a wellness device, and the manufacturer makes no claims that it cures any condition. This machine solely focuses on the weakened or damaged cells which are found to be the cause of many health problems. The treatment of these cells with energy allows them to return to normal function. Regaining normal cell function is the key to ALL healing! The PEMF helps cells regain normal function.
- Circulation
- Energy to cells
- Blood oxygen
- Cell hydration
- Bone density
- Lean muscle mass
- Flexibility
- Range of motion
- Stamina
- Strength
- Endurance
- Immune system function
- Nerve response
- Muscle response
- Reducing muscle tension
- Stiffness
- Swelling /edema
- Inflammation
- Spasms
- Stress
- Pain
- Repair damaged tissue
- Enhance the synthesis of protein
- Absorb oxygen better
- Repair ligaments and tendons
- Stimulate the healing process
- Become more alkaline
- Parkinson’s disease
- Alzheimer’s disease
- Effects from a stroke, Osteoporosis
- Fibromyalgia
- Arthritis
- Chronic fatigue syndrome.
- Improving clotting factors
- Slowing the development of arthritis
- Helping the body to detoxify
- Improving the uptake of nutrients
- Reducing blood pressure
- Helping nerve function
- Helping liver function
- Balancing the acupuncture meridians
- Improving sleep
- Making soft tissue more flexible
- Reducing arthritic changes
- Activates bone-cartilage cell stimulation
- Regenerates nerves through stimulating nerve cells to grow
- Activates part of the immune system – white blood cells called macrophages
- Reduces stress with direct impact on norepinephrine and epinephrine
- Relieves pain
- Heals wounds
- Improves metabolic health
- Improves circulation, thus oxygenation to tissues
- Regulates of digestive activity
- Improves melatonin production
- Strengthens immune system
To be honest, with its widespread use, the PEMF machine continues to produce new benefits not previously known and is not limited to what you have read here.
You may ask how is that possible…
Well, each body contains over 75 trillion cells. They are the basic building blocks of all living things. Cells provide structure for the body, absorb nutrients from food, convert those nutrients into energy, and carry out specialized functions.
Cellular exercise increases cellular membrane permeability. This allows better circulation of oxygen and nutrients into your cells.
PEMF also helps eliminate carbon dioxide and waste products out of the cells. To understand the difference between a healthy and an unhealthy cell think of a fresh picked grape and a raisin.
The grape is full of life and energy, while the raisin is drained of its essence. Healthy cells have the energy to maintain proper electrical balance. This balance allows cells to repair and regenerate, keeping the right amount of water and nutrients flowing into and out of the cell.
The raisin, or unhealthy cell, lacks a proper electrical charge, interfering with the repair cycle and the essential flow of water and nutrients. Without these key elements, cell health and overall health suffers. Considering that there are only 4 main ways to recharge a cell which are Exercise, Raw Food, Spring Water and Magnetic Fields. Also taking into consideration that the lack of a proper electrical charge interferes with two of the other three, you can see why and how the PEMF is so important and beneficial.
Remember, the idea here is to heal the body not cover up the symptoms. We want to rejuvenate organs, rehabilitate glands, repair structural functions. We have been exposed to hundreds and thousands of pollutants and toxic chemicals on a daily basis and unfortunately will continue to be, so we have to go as deep as we can to repair and heal the body and it starts at the cellular level.
Is PEMF safe and are there any side effects?
These treatments are completely safe and there is no side effects. Even the most chronic health problems can be helped—often after only a few treatments.
Does PEMF hurt?
PEMF treatments are completely painless. Treatments last from 30 to 60 minutes.
Want to know more?
Thousands of studies on PEMF have been conducted by NASA, NIH, and other institutes around the world. A comprehensive collection of these studies can be found at PubMed, a website of the National Institutes of Health. These studies set the stage for the development of increasingly advanced PEMF devices.
To learn more, here is an extensive collection of data and research to choose from. Start your research journey by clicking here.
I Literally Felt Like I Was Falling Apart And Dying!
“I wanted to share my story with the rest of the Covid “Long Hauler’s”.I contracted Covid-19 3 separate times, all organically. Each time while less severe, always resulted in extreme fatigue that I just could not shake. After a while I noticed that my upper body specifically my arms, chest and back were extremely weak. I became unable to lift much, unable to work out unable to do regular daily activities. Being a healthy mom that eats well and exercises this was very disturbing for me. I also began to noticed issues with my eyesight. After just having a eye exam, my eyes were the same as they always have been for 20 years. But I noticed a huge change in my eyesight shortly after that!
Everything seemed to be blurry! I had to read things from very far away which normally would not happen. I was very sensitive to light which was unusual because normally it doesn’t bother me at all. I was also noticing some issues with my heart and the fact that I was constantly out of breath without even doing anything strenuous. Dr. Jantz suggested I try the new PEMF system and said it was three trial treatments. So at that point I said “Hey why not I don’t know what else to do I literally feel like I am falling apart and dying!” After the three trial treatments I noticed a significant improvement in my health! Not only do I have energy now, but I’m sleeping better, I can lift things, I can exercise, and I have pretty much got my life back to normal like it was three years ago!! I am so grateful for the PEMF system that I can’t stop talking about it to everybody I see! This has been such a huge game changer and a tremendous lifesaver for me and has given me my life back at 41 years old. I have regained strength in my arms, my back, my chest, my stamina everything!! Oh, and my eyesight is now normal again! I feel the best that I have felt in a very very long time! I am so grateful to Dr. Jantz and the whole Alternative Health Care group for loving their patients enough to bring in this incredible machine! I have since started my kids and husband on it! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!”
“I have struggled with chronic fatigue for as long as I can remember. When I came down with COVID in November of 2021, it became significantly exacerbated. I was very fearful that this was going to be a long-term side effect of COVID, as I have heard from many who have had it before me and were still struggling with this issue. As a new mother of twin boys, it was something that I absolutely needed to remedy. When I was well enough to be seen at the clinic, I went on a nutritional program and learned about the PEMF (Pulsed Electro-Magnetic Field) machine. After one 30-minute session, I felt a significant difference in my energy. I went back on the table a few days later for a one-hour session and felt even better. I now try to get on the table once/week because I notice a difference in my energy when I do not. I am thankful for this technology and the value it has brought to my life!”
To book your appointment,
call 313-881-7677 TODAY!
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